Saturday, 24 December 2016

Goodreads: A little (post) Christmas Wishlist

Goodreads: A little (post) Christmas Wishlist
Saturday, 24 December 2016
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I appreciate that it's Christmas EVE today and with a bit of luck, my family know me well enough to have already picked out any presents that they wish to buy for me! However; I am a book lover. I also love making lists. So, here's a little infographic of all the little books I'm hoping to pick up for myself in the coming festive days! 
What have you got in mind for some of your 2017 reads? Let me know! 

Thursday, 22 December 2016

FOOD: Liverpool Gin Festival, 2016*

FOOD: Liverpool Gin Festival, 2016*
Thursday, 22 December 2016
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If you’d said to me this time last year that I’d be actively, willingly, attending a gin festival, I’d have laughed at you. I was not a gin drinker at all, and couldn’t see the appeal- it seems that everywhere you look, gin bars are opening and becoming principle stops on every night out. A friend of mine introduced me to the classic G&T whilst visiting the acclaimed Botanical Gin Garden in Liverpool’s famous Baltic Triangle. The rest, as they say, is history and I’ve been a gin fiend ever since.

The Gin Festival is a genius concept, put together by a husband and wife team in 2012. The Festival is now considered to be the largest in the UK, hosting thousands of peoples in a multitude of different cities. I was absolutely over the moon to be invited as guest blogger to their Liverpool Event, held in the infamous Lutyen’s Crypt: aka, Paddy’s Wigwam in the Metropolitan Cathedral. I invited my friend along with me to experience the event and we were both overwhelmed with how fantastic the whole thing was; incredibly well put together, in an exciting and enormous yet intimate venue not far from the city centre.

Arrival was easy: we were greeted at the door and shown down into the crypt. I received my little Bloggers Press Pass and pack, full to the brim with goodies and tokens to treat ourselves to some of the gin offerings. Every guest to the Festival receives a large Gin Festival glass to use all night (and then take home afterwards to remember the amazing night you’ve had!) You’re also given “The Gin Book” – or, as I referred to it as, the Gin Bible – to help you make your choices throughout the night and introduce you to the monumental amount of gins on offer to you.  

The front of house team informed us that there are a number of different bars, each hosting different gins, with British and International gins amongst them. Walking through the venue was fantastic- there was definitely something for everyone with bars, food stalls and a photo booth strewn amongst a band, seating areas and all the gin master classes you could possibly fit into a single night.

We had a little wander around and got our bearings before heading on over to the international gin bar. We weren’t really sure what kind of gin we fancied, both of us under no illusion that all gin is the same. Firstly we fancied something a little different, to entice our taste buds and after a brief chat with the bartender decided on 5th Gin as a brand, and, more specifically, their Earth gin. We mixed it up with the Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic water on offer to make a fruity and refreshing drink that was still really sharp in its flavour. I definitely think that of all the different gins we tried that night, this one was our favourite – we even went back for seconds, later on in the evening! 

We went onto try a few of the cocktails that they had on offer: I went for the Thorny Issue cocktail whilst Catrin chose the Singapore Sling. The Thorny issue contained Jensen’s dry gin and Apérol and was fruity and orange flavoured. The Singapore Sling, on the other hand, embodied gin, cherry liquor and the Northern favourite Benedictine. Both were absolutely delicious but definitely hit us in all the right places. At this point, we treated ourselves to hog roast sandwiches and tapas snack boxes to line our stomachs a little. We finished off the evening sampling a few more amazing gins and stumbled out of the event hours later with our spirits high, a good night had.

As well as the wide range of gins on offer, there was also the opportunity to speak to brands about their gins and have a little taste test- try before you buy never sounded so sweet! We were introduced to the concept of the Gin Explorer, a monthly subscription box which provides you with exclusive gin miniatures each month, accompanied by tonic waters and the perfect accompanying snacks. Subscription boxes are all the rage at the moment but I can’t think of a better one than one full of gin. If you’re a gin lover, then the Gin Festival is definitely the one for you and I 100% recommend that you check it out when it visits a city near you, it is the perfect way to spend a cold, winter-y weekend. The event is very much affordable and really does have something for everyone: I know for a fact that I’ll be back again next time to sample some more amazing drinks!

Monday, 19 December 2016

Book Review: Before You Go by Clare Swatman

Book Review: Before You Go by Clare Swatman
Monday, 19 December 2016
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A few weeks back, I received a mystery parcel from the lovely Jess Duffy at Pan Macmillan. Normally, I’d hear from Jess prior to receiving books so I was a bit confused to open the parcel up to not one, but two, amazingly beautiful books to sink my teeth into. I’ve managed to finish one of them – Before You Go by Clare Swatman.

This book was probably one of the best I’ve read in 2016. It was absolutely everything I wanted in a book and I definitely read it at the right time – I recently separated from my long-term partner and the story centred itself around a woman going through the devastating loss of her partner. Whilst it’s definitely not the same thing, I found myself understanding the pain she was going through to some extent. I felt that being able to understand her pain definitely meant that the book appealed to me more and I felt incredibly similar emotions to Zoe, our protagonist.

The story begins with Zoe’s husband, Ed’s, funeral: a bit of a bleak start without a doubt. Naturally, Zoe isn’t taking his death very well at all, especially because of the friction between the couple prior to his passing. Everything gets a bit too much for Zoe and she finds herself in a little accident. When she awakes, she’s been transported back to the moments before she and Ed meet for the first time and she realises that she might be able to change the events of present day and save her husband from his impending fate. As an audience, we bear witness to their first meeting, their wedding day and a bunch of other important, prominent moments in their relationship. We watch as she attempts to alter little titbits of the past to ensure that her husband and ultimately her relationship survives the ordeal. The ending is beautifully bittersweet and left me feeling all warm and snuggly inside. An absolute success.

Zoe is a fantastic character and I found myself instantly drawn to her. I can honestly say that I’m sure that everyone has a moment in their lives that they wish they could go back to and change, and reading a story with this premise as the plot is enthralling. The story was breath-taking and absolutely beautifully written, everything that I could have wished for in a contemporary fiction novel. I honestly can’t wait to see what Clare has to offer us in the coming years as her debut novel will be an overwhelming success as far as I’m concerned. I honestly hope that everyone loves it as much as I have. It was incredibly difficult to put down once I’d got started with it, Clare’s way with words is honestly like nothing I’ve read this year (and I’m currently reading book 54 of the year; I’ve read a LOT of books). I hate to use the term “unputdownable” but it really, really was. If you do anything in 2017, then please, buy this book. It'll be published on February 9th, by Macmillan. Thanks to Jess for the advanced reader copy; you made my month! 

If it was possible to give this book more than 5/5 stars then I definitely would.

A fantastic, heart-warming debut. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Goodreads: My December To-Read List

Goodreads: My December To-Read List
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
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A December reading list

My December to-read pile is a pretty ambitious one for two reasons. Firstly, because it’s already the 14th of the month and I’ve read a grand total of about 50 pages of one book, and secondly, because I work 56 hour weeks at the moment and barely have time to sleep let alone get lost in a gem of a book. I also happen to have chosen 5 books which have a remarkable amount of pages between them. However, God loves a trier so I’m going to give it a go and see if I can exceed my own incredibly low expectations.

The first book from my monthly TBR is one I’ve actually already started reading and I’m enjoying so far, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I love my war fiction (have a read of my post all about it, if you so wish!) and this one falls nicely into that category. It’s a pretty short one, but it’s quite complex and uses some incredibly intricate prose. It’s a book that’s been on my TBR for a good few years so it’s nice to finally get around to reading it.

The next book on my list is an ARC sent to me by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Books; My Sister’s Bones by Nuala Ellwood. This one is right up my street and has been described as being a compelling and intriguing psychological thriller. Exactly what the doctor ordered and something I’ve had on my pile for a few months now. It’s publishing date is 9th February but you can download it on kindle now, if you want to give it a go.

I absolutely love Jodi Picoult and have read a fair few of her books over the last few years. I picked up this one whilst perusing the shelves in Sainsbury’s and it sounds absolutely amazing, as always. I think the cover is absolutely beautiful as well, which definitely aided in my choosing of it. I love the way that Jodi writes and how she approaches difficult, important topics in her tales. I’m sure that this one will not disappoint me.

At the end of January I’m going to be part of a Penguin Books blog tour for the book Lying In Wait by Liz Nugent, so obviously I’m dying to get that one read this month. I’m really thrilled to be part of this tour; I absolutely love Penguin and hold their name in high esteem so I’m certain I’m going to find it to my taste. It’s also a psychological thriller, I believe, and we ALL know how I feel about those…

My final book is also an ARC, this time from Pan Macmillan, The House of New Beginnings by Lucy Diamond. I don’t really know all that much about this one, other than the fact that the review copy cover is beautiful, so it’ll be nice to go into it with a clear mind and absolutely no expectations. I HAVE  read books by Lucy before so I know to expect good things!

What are you planning on reading this month? Let me know! 
