I’ve been wanting to do a sort of bucket list for a little while now, so this is my version of it- the 25 things I want to do before I turn 25. I’m 22 in September so luckily I still have a few years before the big 2-5 but nonetheless, there’s no harm in starting as soon as possible.
Graduate from University
Go to New York City
Get a Masters (either in linguistics or education)
Write the first draft of my novel.
Start learning another language
Run a half marathon
Have a healthy and serious longterm relationship
Read 52 books in a year
Visit a country on every continent
Own my own home
See Matchbox Twenty in concert
Get a tattoo
Take more photographs (and not just selfies!)
Visit every football stadium in the football league + Wembley
Raise £1000 for charity
Qualify as a primary school teacher
Have something published
Gain half a stone
Own my own Beetle
Plan and go on a trip around the UK
Be more spontaneous
Watch Classic Movies from the IMDB list
Eat more healthily
Make a log of memories for the future
Live for myself and not for other people
Go to New York City
Get a Masters (either in linguistics or education)
Write the first draft of my novel.
Start learning another language
Run a half marathon
Have a healthy and serious longterm relationship
Read 52 books in a year
Visit a country on every continent
Own my own home
See Matchbox Twenty in concert
Get a tattoo
Take more photographs (and not just selfies!)
Visit every football stadium in the football league + Wembley
Raise £1000 for charity
Qualify as a primary school teacher
Have something published
Gain half a stone
Own my own Beetle
Plan and go on a trip around the UK
Be more spontaneous
Watch Classic Movies from the IMDB list
Eat more healthily
Make a log of memories for the future
Live for myself and not for other people