Friday, 11 September 2015

Life: A Trip To Chester Zoo

As part of the weekly Thursday Date Day thing me and the boy have had going on for the last few weeks, yesterday we took a little trip to Chester to go and have a look around it’s famous zoo. I absolutely love animals and wildlife and have always been a little sceptical about zoos but I’m happy to report that Chester Zoo is absolutely fantastic and I’ll definitely be going there again. All of the enclosures were large and not particularly crowded, animals looked happy and well cared for and it seems like they do a lot for conservation. 

We were incredibly fortunate that we went yesterday as the weather was absolutely incredible, We managed to see penguins and a crocodile being fed, all of which was being filmed for a channel 4 documentary. My favourite animals in the world are turtles and tortoises, as some of you may know, and they had an abundance of them at the zoo which made me ridiculously happy. I thought I’d use this post to share a few pictures that I took during the day, and I definitely would recommend going to the zoo at some point if you’re close-by. They’ve just opened up an amazing new island exhibit which was fabulous and I definitely want to go again as there was so much that we didn’t have a chance to see. 

Have you been to Chester Zoo recently?? What did you enjoy?