I decided to treat myself to a few new books the other day so I thought I’d share what I bought with you lovely readers. I took advantage of the 3 for £10 deal that amazon have going on so they were an absolute bargain and all books which I’ve had on my reading list for quite a while now.
I’ve read 3 Gayle Forman books to date and enjoyed every single one of them, particularly the If I Stay/Where She Went duology, so I decided to treat myself to the first in a series of three, Just One Day. I actually already own this book in French but hadn’t gotten around to reading it, so I thought I’d make like easier for myself and read it in English instead.
The second book I chose was one I actually know nothing at all about, other than the fact that it fits into the category of psychological thriller that I’ve grown to love over the past few months. The premise of the book sounds interesting and I’ve read a few reviews which all seem to paint a positive image so I thought I’d give it a go. The Sisters sounds absolutely up my street so I’m pretty sure I’m going to love it!
How to be both is a book I’ve heard so much about but yet know nothing about, if you get my drift. I’ve seen it in bestsellers lists in newspapers and bookstores alike but never actually picked it up to read the blurb. I’m hoping that it’s as good as the bestsellers lists imply, I think I’m going to tackle this one first out of the three I chose.
What are you reading at the moment? Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? Let me know in the comments!
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