Thursday, 2 June 2016

Book Review: The Second Love of My Life by Victoria Walters*

Contemporary fiction is one of those genres that gets you through a long and sad day and gives you the pick me up that you so desperately need. When a copy of The Second Love of My Life by Victoria Walters fell through my letterbox, courtesy of the lovely team at Headline books, I was having one of those days. However, other commitments stopped me from launching myself straight into the book and I found myself sticking it on the top of my ever growing to-read pile. I picked it back up last week and delved right into it. I fell in love with Victoria Walters there and then and cannot wait to read The Summer I Met You, a book which tells the story of the other Talting couple, Emma and John.

This particular tale tells the story of Rose, a young and recently widowed artist. Her husband, Lucas, unfortunately loses his life in a drunk-driving accident for which he holds no responsibility and Rose is struggling to cope with the repercussions of his death. Her art ultimately suffers and she finds it difficult to find her muse. There is nothing she, nor her friends Emma and John, can do about her despair. When a young lawyer, Robert, comes to Cornwall to specifically buy from her art portfolio and then decides to remain in Talting for the entire summer, it seems that things may well be changing for Rose and the possibility of love is on the horizon.

I absolutely ADORED this book. I’m a sucker for a good romance novel and everything about this was beautifully done. Walters handled both grief and new romance flawlessly. I particularly loved the line “grief makes you both restless and listless” as I thought that was a pretty good way of describing the emotions and the feelings upon losing someone you love. I found that I loved every single character and how the people of the small town of Talting came together to help Rose (and eventually Emma) through her grief. I absolutely loved Robert, in spite of his flaws, and I loved the way in which he was introduced to the story. I feel like I’m going to be endlessly listing off the things I loved about this book, so I’m going to cut it short here and just saw: buy it.

If you love short, sweet and thoughtful tales of love then this one will be perfect for you. It combines all of those factors, isn’t unbearable in the slightest and doesn’t come off as being sickly-sweet or unnatural. I think this is a pretty impressive feat considering how it could have panned out. I’ll definitely be buying a copy of Victoria’s other book when it’s released in paperback-  I can’t wait to see where the story is going to go!
You can grab your copy of The Second Love of Your Life on amazon here.

Thank you very much to Headline for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
