Monday, 15 August 2016

Book Review: Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty

Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty

August is the month where I’m slowly but surely working my way through the masses of ARCs that I’ve accumulated over the last weeks and months. One of those ARCs I was particularly looking forward to getting to: Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty. I read The Husband’s Secret a few years back and absolutely loved it but I hadn’t gotten around to reading anything else that Liane had published since then. When I noticed that Penguin Michael Joseph had Truly Madly Guilty available for request, I snapped it up and got stuck straight in.

 I wanted to love it.

I honestly really did. That isn’t to say that the entire reading of the book was pointless and I hated every second of it. There were lots of different things that happened that were absolutely spectacular and made the story one of those where I had to just keep going with it. I found myself reading on in spite of my reluctance, drawn in by the absolutely remarkable language and descriptiveness. I LOVE the way that Moriarty writes, but unfortunately, for me, this one just fell a little bit short of what I expected from her.

The premise of the story is pretty simple and easy enough to follow. There are 3 couples, 2 of whom have children and a third who are childless. We learn that one afternoon, they meet at one of the couples’ houses for a barbeque. At this barbeque, something incredibly bad happens and all three couples are left dwelling on the aftermath of the event. Sounds intriguing, right? Exactly. The whole thing just dragged on for way too long and by the time what happened was actually revealed, it all felt a little bit anticlimactic. I was expected something big and vibrant and full of excitement but instead I felt like I was left with a bit of a flicker. In spite of my belief that the book was too long, there were certain things that happened that definitely should have been discussed in more depth. I didn’t really warm to the characters and I found a few of them quite whiney. Their problems were minute and blown out of proportion, and one of the couples in particular I found to be incredibly selfish and self-centred.

There is no doubting that Moriarty has a way with words and her prose is remarkable. Her books are humorous and enjoyable for the most-part and it’s such a shame that this one didn’t live up to my expectations. I’m looking forward to her future books and I’ll most likely give her others a go in the meantime. I haven’t given up on her yet!

Thanks to the team at Penguin Michael Joseph for my advance copy of the book!

