I’m back with a vengeance! It’s been a busy few months for me and unfortunately, my reading has suffered a little bit. I get home from university and work these days and fall straight into bed, prop myself up and get myself stuck into a favourite episode of the Gilmore Girls, book completely abandoned. I decided, since I’ve been so rubbish with my reading, to combine the books I’ve read over the last two months into one little wrap up, rather than my usual monthly wrap up. I’ll definitely be MUCH better starting this week, as uni’s getting knocked on the head until February as I go full time teaching in a little school. Woohoo!
I managed four books over the last two months,
which is incredibly disappointing but I’m still glad I managed to read
something “fun” amongst the piles of journals and lesson plans I’ve been
working around. I started off with The
Secret by Kathryn Hughes back in
early September. I’ve reviewed this one in full here
if you want to know a bit more about the book. I quite enjoyed this one and got
through it relatively quickly, all things considered. I’ll more than likely be
picking up more of Kathryn’s novels in the future (after I’ve gotten through my
enormous TBR pile!) I also read and reviewed Death at the Seaside by Frances
Brody as part of a blog
tour. This was another book that I really enjoyed, although it was
completely contrary to the kinds of books I usually pick up. It was unusual and
well-written and I would definitely recommend it.
I was lucky enough to receive a review copy of
the anticipated debut fiction novel by Graham
Norton, entitled Holding. I
absolutely LOVED this book and I honestly didn’t expect to. The characters were
loveable and I’ve definitely found myself a new fave detective in PJ Collins.
You can read my full review here.
For my birthday, my colleagues treated me to a
copy of The Forgetting Time by Sharon Guskin. Again, this wasn’t one
that I’d personally have picked up myself as it’s a bit more supernatural than
psychological but I’m incredibly glad to have read it as the story was
particularly good. I enjoyed the different characters and the stories that were
interlinked with one another. I loved the ending and how everything came
together. I’m going to be putting a full review up in the next few days, so
check back for that.
Finally, I finished off another review copy,
this time a FANTASTIC psychological thriller. I don’t need to spout the usual
drivel of how I love thrillers and psychological fiction and how everything
about them makes me squeal in delight. This book, Before I Let You In by Jenny
Blackhurst, was the epitome of all of these feelings and emotions and I am
very glad to have read it. Again, I’ll be posting a full review up pretty soon
but in the meantime, I recommend that you give it a go and buy it on amazon. It’s
more than worth the investment and it’s currently only 99p on the kindle store.
I’m excited to get stuck back into my reading
over the next few weeks, I feel so bizarre without an evening with my book so I’ll
definitely have to make some lifestyle changes!
What’ve you been reading recently? Let me know!