Friday, 1 September 2017

Goodreads: What I'm Reading in September

Goodreads: What I'm Reading in September | Hollie in Wanderlust | Book blogger |

It’s my birthday at the end of the month and finally the end of my very difficult 2 months without buying books. I have SO many on my list of what I want to purchase but the ban has meant that I’ve got to a few books that I probably would have left gathering dust on the shelves. I’ve been sent a few ARCs over the last few weeks so September’s reads will be made up uniquely of review and proof copies!

The book I’m probably most excited to read is Force of Nature by Jane Harper. I read and reviewed Jane’s debut book The Dry at the beginning of this year and absolutely loved it- you can read my review here, if you so wish. This one arrived in the post completely by surprise, sent to me by the lovely team at Little, Brown. I’m excited to get this one read and share my thoughts on it at some point over the coming weeks! I have really high expectations for it, naturally, having loved The Dry so much but I honestly don’t think it’s going to disappoint!

Hodder, being the lovely creatures that they are, sent over a copy of The Most Dangerous Place on Earth by Lindsey Lee Johnson. I know absolutely NOTHING about this book, other than the fact it has a delightful cover but the story sounds like it’s going to be a good one and I’ll be glad to get stuck into it this month.

A book I’ve had on my shelves for quite a while now is Madame Bovary of the Subarbs by Sophie Divry. This book is a translation from the French edition and the cover is absolutely beautiful. I’ve read a couple of chapters of this already and I am enjoying where it’s going but nothing’s really happened as of yet to get me well and truly stuck into it. I’m sure hoping that changes though! This beauty came to me from MacLehose Press.

The final book on my September reading list is The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting, also sent over by MacLehose Press. This book sounds absolutely fascinating and I can’t wait to see what it’s all about. I’ve heard a bit about this one and there’s quite a good hype coming from it all, so fingers crossed the book’s right up my street.

I’m hoping that September is a productive reading month but with starting a new job and trying to get back into the swing of things work wise, I’m not sure just how much I’ll actually get around to. Fingers crossed!