Be more positive. I’m an incredibly negative person at the moment and it’s driving me mad- I remember the happy and positive person I was at the beginning of 2015 and I’m going to work on getting myself back to that stage.
Eat more healthily. I know we all say we’re going to go on a major health kick at the start of a new year but this time I actually want to stick to it. I’ve found some lovely, healthy recipes to have a go at so I’m looking forward to trying new foods and spicing up my dinners. No more midnight Just Eat pizza orders for me…
Be body confident. This links in with both of the above resolutions really, but I want to start going to the gym to tone up a bit and gain some muscle mass in my arms, or if not the gym just do some of my own workouts at home. There are certain parts of me that I can’t stand and I know there are things I can do to change this, so this year is the year I intend on doing it.
What are your resolutions for the New Year? Let me know!