July has been a pretty quiet month for me, reading wise. I’ve started a new job, moved into a new (adult!) flat and all of that has taken up a hell of a lot of my time. However, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t make SOME time for reading and so I have a few little books to share with you guys!
The first book I completed in July was actually House Rules by Jodi Picoult, which if I recall I mentioned in my June wrap up post. I finished that one pretty early on in the month and needless to say, I absolutely ADORED it. I love Jodi Picoult- one of my favourite books is by her (The Storyteller, if you were wondering! It narrowly missed out on my Top 5 books post here) and I’ve read a fair few of her other books as well. This one, as is the case with everything I read by her, was one which did not disappoint in the slightest. I’ll be putting up a full review over the next few days as I honestly need to rave about how good it was!
I then went on to read Dear Amy by Helen Callaghan, which I’ve already reviewed here. As you all already know (because I mention it every other post on here!) I absolutely love psychological thrillers and crime novels and this one fit right in with my love for the genre! I definitely recommend this if you’re into psychological thrillers or crime, you will not be disappointed, I promise you!! Thanks to Penguin Michael Joseph for the ARC of this book!
I was also lucky enough to be part of the Fell blog tour, a supernatural-esque novel written by the fabulous Jenn Ashworth. I read this one alongside the other books I was reading, as obviously, I was up against a schedule but it was nice to be part of a little blog community, if only for a week! If you’re into the strange and the mysterious, I’d say that this book is for you! Thanks go to the team at Sceptre for sending me over this book and asking me to be a part of the tour!
Finally, I finished Local Girl Missing by Claire Douglas. I’ve previously read The Sisters by Claire and loved it so I was absolutely delighted to get a copy of this from Penguin Michael Joseph. I must admit that I expected a little bit more from the ending but it was a pretty good book none the less! There’ll be a full review up in the coming weeks so keep an eye out for that if you want to know more!
I’m currently about a quarter of the way through Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty and I’m enjoying it quite a bit so far. I’m looking forward to getting through that one and finally finding out what happened at this constantly eluded-to BBQ!
In the month of July, I read a grand total of 1642 pages, which I’m pretty impressed with!