Being invited to press events is all good fun- it’s even more fun when you get invited to VIP openings of brand new businesses! Last week, myself and a few blogger friends were fortunte enough to be invited along to the Grand Opening of LIV on Bold Street, a brand new organic food market in the heart of Liverpool City Centre.
Bold Street is quickly becoming THE place for good food and independent stores – whenever I’m stuck for where to go to eat, I tend to gravitate towards this little wonder and I’m never disappointed. Whilst I was living in France, the option to eat organically was pretty much the only option- Organic supermarkets play a massive role in French society and you can find one on pretty much every street corner. Having a shop like this in Liverpool will make all the difference and definitely be there to actively encourage people to consider what and how they eat.
You may well be aware that I try to keep dairy out of my diet as far as I can, although I am very easily tempted by cheese. Dairy doesn’t agree with me or my stomach, so usually the safest option is to just avoid it entirely. LIV specialises in vegan and vegetarian products, products which mean that I can enjoy the amazing, fabulous things in life – like chocolate brownies, for example- without the horrendous after effects that being lactose intolerant causes. I’m in no way vegan- or even veggie – but cutting down on meat and eating more plant based food can only be a good thing, right?

The market itself was absolutely fabulous. We got there a bit earlier than the hosts were expecting, which caused a bit of a coffuffle but nothing that was too much of an issue. When we arrived, we were offered lovely flutes of fancy lemonade and invited to try a range of different hors d’œuvres, all of which were presented in the most appetising way. We were also able to speak to different brands who had set up stalls inside the market, including Mi Vida, an independent store based on Bold Street (and one of my favourite places to browse for birthday gifts!). I also tried out a number of organic crisps (MMM) and had a talk with a brand about magnesium salts. I’d only been complaining ten minutes prior about having a bad back and this lovely godsend of a man provided me with a generous sample of one of their products to try and get rid of the pressure a little! All the while, it was lovely to catch up with my fellow bloggers and do it in an engaging and organic environment. I’m really excited to go back at some point and try out the food in their café; there really is something for everyone, as they even choose to serve meat, in spite of their vegan background. Absolutely no discrimination or judgement here.
I have absolutely no doubt that the market will be a total hit! LIV Organic Market is open now on Bold Street.