Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Travel: Why Solo Travelling Isn't As Daunting As You Might Think

Travel: Why Solo Travelling Isn't As Daunting As You Might Think
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
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Travel: Why Solo Travelling Isn't As Daunting As You Might Think | Hollie in Wanderlust | Travel Blogger

When I was a little bit younger than I am now, if you would have told me that I would have lived alone in a foreign country on two separate occasions, in two different countries, I would have laughed at you. I was not a confident girl growing up; I hated doing things on my own and the thought of travelling somewhere by myself would be a very daunting one. Since then, I’ve spent 4 months teaching in Milan and a year teaching in Strasbourg and I have grown into a woman who loves travelling, whether that be in groups, with friends, or else completely by myself.

I’ve been on a few trips by myself now, most of them whilst I lived abroad for day trips, but I’ve taken the plunge and stayed in foreign countries alone for days at a time as well! I normally organise my trips in such a way that I meet up with friends along the way, but I am completely in favour of an entirely solo trip. There have been so many occasions where my friends have bailed on plans at the very last minute and left me hanging. In these circumstances it’s a case of ‘if you don’t go alone, you don’t go at all’ and I’d much rather go somewhere by myself than miss out on a fabulous opportunity.

If you wait for other people, you’ll never get anywhere.

I know this is probably easier said than done but with the right amount of preparation, you have absolutely nothing to be scared of if you make the decision to do a trip solo. When deciding where to go, check out statistics and information on the safest areas to stay in your chosen city. Work out how easy it is to get from the airport to the area where you’re staying. (Story time: I arrived at the airport in Bergerac, France, in February to find that there was neither a shuttle bus, nor a taxi rank, at the airport to transport me to the city centre to get my train to my final destination. I’d just assumed that there would be! BE. PREPARED.)

If you’re staying at hostels, you’ll definitely get chatting to people and probably find someone to check out attractions with, if that’s something you want to do. I’ve met people from all over the world through travelling and working abroad, people I still see to this day. If you’re scared of being lonely, there’s always a way around that.

I have learnt so much about myself and my own needs whilst travelling. I learnt that I have a fascination for architecture and could happily wander around a new city exploring the buildings and the exteriors for hours and hours at a time. I discovered that I love history and learning about the extraordinary history of a place- the quirkier the better. I learnt that relaxing in front of a beautiful building with a book is an ideal thing to do when you have an hour to kill between trains. I have learnt so much about myself that I probably never would have had I not had the opportunity to travel by myself.

One of the only things that annoy me about going on holiday with friends, especially if I’m going on a city break as opposed to a beach holiday, is the discussion over what to do and when to do it. I’m very much an early-riser when I’m on holiday; I like to be up, showered, dressed and out of the hotel as quickly as possible when I’m travelling, to avoid the massive queues at tourist attractions and there’s always the worry that the friend won’t want to get up and get out like you do. I also like to explore cities seriously and properly, visit museums and learn all about the history of a place: deciding on where to go when there’s more than one person involved in the deciding can often prove tricky, especially if you have different interests. Cut out the middle man and see what YOU want to see.

Solo travelling can be daunting but it’s also the best experience of your life. I can’t wait to start planning my first ever long haul solo jaunt next year! Have you been anywhere on your own? How did you feel? Let me know in the comments!

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Goodreads: What I Read in August

Goodreads: What I Read in August
Sunday, 27 August 2017
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Goodreads: What I Read in August | Hollie in Wanderlust | Book Bloggers

August found me doing the one thing that I have struggled to do for a long, long time: actually sticking to a book ban and not purchasing a SINGLE book. It was hard and I almost failed on a few occasions, but I came out at the other side with my pockets much more full and my shelves much more manageable. I set myself the task this month of only reading books that I already owned and had waiting for me on my shelves and I had quite a good month of reading.

The first book that I read (and ADORED) was We Are Okay by Nina LaCour, which is arguably one of the books of the year so far. I reviewed the book in full here if you want to check it out and I thoroughly recommend a purchase of this one if you’re interested in the YA genre and want a beautifully written and thought-provoking read. My words don’t quite give this book the justice it deserves but it truly was something that you have to read to understand and fully experience.

I was lucky enough to go and stay with one of my friends in Germany at the start of the month and of course, I took a few books along for the ride with me. Before leaving, I ploughed my way through some of the beautiful poems in Sarah Kay’s No Matter the Wreckage anthology. I love poetry but don’t often get the opportunity to sit down and get stuck into it so this was a welcome change from fictional texts.

I started and finished Levels of Life by Julian Barnes on a train from Nuremberg to Munich (and back again) and like Barnes’ more famous text The Sense of an Ending, this was a book that I devoured and loved more than I could describe. I can see myself jumping onto a Julian Barnes marathon and purchasing some of his other books when I’m finally out of this book ban because his style is probably one of the most beautiful I’ve ever come across.

One of the books I’m going to be teaching around this year is The Iron Giant by Ted Hughes. I loved this story so much: it was funny, warming and just a lovely end to a lovely trip. It was short and sweet. I did get a few weird looks off people on the train for reading a kids book, but WHO CARES? Children’s books are for everyone! I can’t wait to start planning my lessons on this one!

The final book I read this month was another beauty: The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry. I’ve had this book on my shelves for a long time and whilst the cover is beautiful, it never really appealed to me. I bought it on a bit of a whim because everyone everywhere was going on about it but just threw it on my TBR pile and forgot about it. Having recently heard EVEN MORE HYPE about the book, I chucked it in my suitcase for my trip to Germany just in case I finished the other two books I’d packed (which I did.) I was absolutely blinded by this book. It was beautiful. The writing style is gorgeous; I was reminded a little of Daphne du Maurier, in fact; and the storyline moved along at exactly the right pace. I loved the characters and pretty much everything about it and I’m quite annoyed at myself for having waited so long to finish reading it. I 100% recommend this book to absolutely everyone and anyone. I’ll be reviewing in full in the coming weeks if you want to read a little more about it before making the purchase! Definitely one of my reads of the year.

What have you read this month?

Friday, 25 August 2017

Life: Don't Forget To Treat Yourself

Life: Don't Forget To Treat Yourself
Friday, 25 August 2017
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Life: Don't Forget To Treat Yourself | Hollie in Wanderlust | Lifestyle | Savings

As you’ll all probably know by now (because I complain about the impending return to school EVERY FIVE MINUTES), I’ve landed myself a fab new job and I’m all but ready to get stuck into the stressful year ahead of me. I’ve never really had a problem with treating myself when I thought I deserved it, but knowing full well just how stressed I’m going to be this year gives me all the more reason to save up for some lovely things. As a teacher, I know I’ll be much less inclined to spend my money on clothes this year because a) smart clothing is mandatory and b) I plan on living in my pyjamas at the weekend, so my savings will be much healthier this year than they were last.

I’ve been buying new pieces of furniture, new artwork and accessories over the course of the last few months and I’m happy with how the flat’s coming along now. There are still quite a few things to do and adjustments to make, but every new little purchase makes the entire flat even more lovely to come home to. Having a stressful day at work means that I want to come back home to comfort and a pretty, cosy home so these changes really are necessary and in all honesty, integral to my happiness. New crockery and a fluffy rug are the next items on the agenda: hopefully by Christmas the entire place will be completely unrecognisable.

Teaching is stressful, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. I’ve made the incredibly WISE choice of booking myself in for some lovely treats in October. I have a hair appointment already pencilled in and I’m going to get my nails jazzed up and enjoy a relaxing spa day. Self care is incredibly important and it’ll be something to look forward to after a long 7 weeks of term.

When I did a teaching placement out in Italy during my Undergraduate degree, I fully intended on spending my last (incredibly generous) payslip on a Louis Vuitton handbag. At the time I was 20 and definitely had more important things to spend my money on, so the woman I worked with convinced me against it and I put the dosh towards my year abroad fund. This was a good idea and I don’t regret it at all, but nearly 4 years later and I still want the handbag. I’ve decided that I’ll be putting around £100 a month, when my finances allow, aside for the bag and treating myself to it at the end of the year, as a ‘well done on completing your NQT year’ gift from me to me. Obviously, unexpected bills and life happen so there’s a good chance I’ll end up putting this on hold and buying next year but if I can afford to do it come August 2018, I think I will be doing. I work incredibly hard and I shouldn’t have to feel guilty about treating myself to something that I’ve wanted for a long time, if I have the money to do it.

I like to use all the summer holidays I get to travel as much as I possibly can and next summer will be no different. Booking package holidays in August is asking for an overpriced rip off, so luckily my own talent in finding excellent deals comes in handy. I’ve been pricing up a long haul trip somewhere a little more exotic and have a few places in mind, but I’ll be making my final decision in December and booking during the Christmas holidays for the following August. Of course, a little mini-break somewhere wouldn’t go amiss either so I’ll be looking at booking a lovely little European adventure as well for sometime next year.

What are you planning on treating yourself to over the coming year? Let me know!